Article I - Name
The name of this organization is the Cadet Corps Alumni Council (CCAC). It is an affiliated group of the Military Science Department of the University of Texas at Arlington.
Article II - Mission
The mission of the CCAC is to provide necessary support to the Corps of Cadets and the Military Science Department of the University of Texas at Arlington in order to maintain a truly outstanding program to develop future leaders of the US Army.
Article III - Membership
Membership in the CCAC is open to all members of the U.S. Army ROTC Cadet Corps at UTA or one of the universities or colleges participating in ROTC through UTA’s ROTC program for at least two semesters, or who served in the U.S. Army as part of the Military Science Department at UTA, or who were employed by the UTA Military Science Department, or who served as sweethearts to the UTA Cadet Corps or its sub-groups (Pistol Team, Rifle Team, Sam Houston Rifles, etc.), or who were inducted into the Military Science Hall of Honor, as well as the spouses of all eligible individuals. Anyone eligible becomes a member by payment of the Council’s dues, and remains a member in “good standing” so long as dues are paid. Anyone may elect to become a Life Member by paying the Council’s life member fee, and remains a member in “good standing” thereafter. The dues and the life membership fee will be determined by the CCAC Executive Committee, and may be changed at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
UTA Military Science Department members or affiliates who are not members of CCAC are welcome to participate in CCAC events or social activities at the discretion of the host or hostess of the event or social activity.
The Cadet Corps Alumni Council shall observe the preferences of its members for publishing or suppressing their names or personal information.
Because its membership is geographically scattered, CCAC may have subgroups composed of CCAC members located in specific geographic areas, or subgroups composed of CCAC members with shared experiences (e.g., the Sam Houston Rifles, Pistol Team, Rifle Team, etc). These subgroups will be informal organizations but will be encouraged to organize themselves with officers as appropriate to conduct activities, hold meetings, and support CCAC objectives.
Article IV - Officers and Duties
CCAC shall be governed by an Executive Committee composed of the elected (or appointed) officers of the Council. The Executive Committee will have full authority to govern the Council and make decisions regarding its goals, activities, membership, expenditures, and finances. The elected officers of CCAC, as described below, will each serve a two-year term. The elected officers will be:
Vacancies that occur between elections may be filled by Presidential appointment, except that appointees must be submitted to the Council membership for election at the next regularly scheduled election. Presidential appointees may be removed from office by the President without a recall election.
Elected officers of the Council may be removed from office by means of a recall election. The ballots must be mailed to Council members or included as part of the Council newsletter mailed to all members. The use of the term “mailed” throughout these Bylaws means either regular U.S. postal service mail or electronic mail.
Elected officers may be removed from office for failure to attend meetings in person or to participate electronically in business meetings. Three unexcused in-person absences or failures to participate electronically could constitute grounds for removal from office, by vote of the Executive Committee.
All elected or appointed officers, upon leaving office, shall turn over all files, office equipment, documents, and materials (including electronic records) to their successors, to the current Council President, or to another member of the Executive Committee no later than four weeks after leaving office.
Article V - Representative from the Military Science Department
There will be a representative from the Military Science Department on the Executive Committee. This will normally be the PMS, but in his absence he may designate another officer to attend. The PMS is responsible to insure that the support provided by the Council does not conflict with military policies or directives relating to the ROTC program, or conflict with university policies. The PMS or his representative will be invited to attend all Executive Committee meetings and the CCAC membership meetings, but will not be a voting member of the Executive Committee.
Article VI - Publication of Financial Report
Vice President Finance will issue an annual financial report to be published in the Council newsletter or mailed to the Council membership, or presented at the Annual Meeting during the Hall of Honor Weekend. The report shall contain schedules of income, expenses, and balances for all funds under the control of the Council, including scholarships, life memberships and other special funds.
CCAC is not organized to financially benefit its members, and no part of its budget may be spent to personally enrich or financially benefit its members.
Article VII - Meetings
CCAC shall hold at least one annual meeting that all members are invited to attend in person. The invitation will be sent by mail or by Council newsletter, with minimum advance notice of 15 days. The Executive Committee will meet at least twice a year, with at least one of those meetings linked to the annual membership meeting. The Executive Committee may meet by phone, via the Internet, or in person.
Special meetings of the Council membership or the Executive Committee may be called by the Council President, the Executive Committee, or by petition of 10% of the membership, but the agenda for that meeting must be restricted to only that business for which the special meeting has been called. At least 20% of Council membership must attend the special meeting to constitute a quorum.
Article VIII - Election Procedures
CCAC shall hold an election every two years to select its Executive Committee for the next two years. Ballots will be mailed (or emailed) to all members of the Council in good standing, either separately or as part of a newsletter. Ballots will include a brief description of each candidate’s qualifications and history. Nominations may be made by any member of CCAC until February 28. Ballots will be mailed the first week of March and must be returned by March 20. New officers will take office April 1 and serve for two years. A plurality of votes will determine the winner. If one or more members receive an equal number of votes for an office, the winner will be determined by a coin flip or another random method that gives each candidate an equal chance of winning.
Candidates for office may be nominated by members of the Council via mail, phone, or email to the Council Secretary, and/or by a nominating committee appointed by the President. The election will be planned and supervised by the Secretary, and final results certified by the Secretary. Any challenge to an election outcome must be filed within five days after the results are published. Any challenge will be heard and resolved by the Executive Committee. No challenge shall interfere with or delay the decisions of the Executive Committee.
Article IX - Amendments to the Bylaws
Proposed amendments to these Bylaws must first be submitted to the Executive Committee. The President will appoint a committee, if deemed necessary, to review the proposed amendments and submit them to the Executive Committee. If the Executive Committee approves the proposed amendments, they will be sent to the Council membership for review, comments, and approval. The amendments must be mailed to members, or included in the Council newsletter, for members to consider and vote on. A minimum of 90 days must elapse between the time the ballot is mailed to members and the final day for receipt of ballots. No amendment is in force until it is approved by a majority of the Council membership. Amendment of the Bylaws will be considered to be in effect once approved by the membership. Membership will be notified of the final action on any amendment submitted for their approval.
Article X - UTA Logo
If and when CCAC should wish to use the UTA logo in brochures, advertisements, printed matter, or websites, CCAC will submit the proposed use to the University of Texas at Arlington for its review and approval.
Article XI - Parliamentary Authority
The latest edition of “Roberts Rules of Order” shall be the parliamentary authority to govern all Executive Committee, membership, business, or special meetings.
Article XII - Dissolution
The Cadet Corp Alumni Council may be dissolved by a two-thirds majority vote of its membership.