Maverick Battalion Task Organization:
The Maverick Battalion is hosted or headquartered at the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA). Both military science classes and leadership labs are held at UTA. The Army has permanently assigned military instructors at UTA .
The University of North Texas (UNT) is the Extension School for the ROTC program hosted at UTA. This means that there are both military science classes and leadership labs held at UNT and there are permanently assigned military instructors at UNT .
Cross-Town Agreement schools: Are schools who have an agreement with the host school and or the extension school. The agreements allow the crosstown schools to attend military science at either the host school (UTA) or the extension school (UNT).
The Professor of Military Science, LTC Bonnie Belobrajdic, is in charge of the entire program and all the cadre at both UTA and UNT. LTC Belobrajdic has offices at both UTA and UNT. She splits her time between the two schools throughout the week.
Host School: University of Texas at Arlington.
Extension School: University of North Texas.
Crosstown Schools: University of Texas at Dallas, University of Dallas, Texas Woman’s University, Southern Methodist University, Dallas Baptist University, Texas A&M Commerce College (TAMC), Tarrant County Community College, Collin County College.
The below graphs depicts where each school attends military science classes.
Visit the UTA Maverick Battalion Web site: http://www.uta.edu/military-science/