Due to COVID 19, the Army 10 Miler will be run virtually between 11-18 October.
Below is more information:
Virtual Race Info
36th Annual Army Ten-Miler, Virtual Edition
Virtual Race Dates – October 11 to October 18, 2020
What do you need to run the virtual ATM:
- Register for the Virtual ATM today.
- Before You Start your race download the ATM Runner Experience App at https://active.app.link/ArmyTenMiler
- Race Dates: You will have eight (8) days to complete your race starting on October 11, 2020 to October 18, 2020.
- Submit results via ATM app at https://active.app.link/ArmyTenMiler upon completing your race, between October 11 and 19, 2020. The ATM Timing company will evaluate and accept/reject your results.
Ready – Set- Go: When you are ready to start your race click START on your ATM Runner app and run. After completing your race click END on your app. The results will automatically be sent to ATM Timing and Scoring company.
Virtual Expo: We will feature a Virtual Expo for Exhibitors to exhibit their product to ATM runners and for runners to be able to purchase ATM and other brand name running gear. The Virtual Expo will open here on ATM website on October 11, 2020. More info to come soon.
Runner Packets
- Runner Packets including the runner shirt, bib, calendar and bag will be mailed to the address you provided during registration. Please register before 20 September 2020 to receive your packet before the race.
- Finisher Coins (medals) will be available for pick up at ATM designated locations after the race. A list of locations will be posted on armytenmiler.com closer to the race dates. You will be required to present your ATM Finisher Certificate (printed or digital, on your phone/mobile device) at the location in order to pick up your Finisher Coin (medal).