The Cadet Corps Alumni NewsletterReveille is mailed or emailed to the members of CCAC as the issues are released. You can view back issues by clicking on the issue you would like to see. To download these issues you will need Adobe® Acrobat® Reader® which can be downloaded free from Adobe’s website.
“Reveille” originated in medieval times, possibly around 1600, to wake the soldiers at dawn; “Rouse” was the signal for the soldier to arise. Rouse is the bugle call more commonly used in conjunction with the Last Post and to the layman is often incorrectly called Reveille. Although associated with the Last Post, Reveille is rarely used because of its length. Today, the Rouse is associated with the last Post at all military funerals and services of Dedication and remembrance. It is played on the completion of one minute’s silence, after the Last Post has been sounded. It calls the soldier’s spirit to rise and prepare for another day. Words to Reveille Rev-eil-lee! Rev-eil-lee is sounding Get Up! Or-der-ly officer is on his round! Words to Rouse Get up at once, get up at once, the bugle’s sounding, Reveille and Retreat begin with the firing of a cannon and the playing of a bugle. During these traditional ceremonies you can perform a few simple actions that are appropriate to honor the flag.